Which protocols are supported by CBMS Studio?
CBMS Studio supports BACnet, Modbus and OPC systems. Other protocols are supported on request.
What operating systems are supported by CBMS Studio?
CBMS Studio supports Windows XP, Vista 7 and 8 operating systems on both X86 and X64 bit platforms. It also supports the Linux operating system.
What hardware platforms are supported by CBMS Studio?
CBMS Studio is supported by the following hardware.
Any PC or hardware running Windows or Linux.
The AAC-1000 router and gateway.
A Raspberry PI.
Can CBMS support my hardware?
Yes, if you have your own hardware and you wish to use CBMS Studio as branded as your own product, then we can provide this to you.
Do I need to use the CBMS Studio Engineering Tool?
No, you can use any tool that supports the Sedona Framework. There are several available such as the Sedona Workbench, or the Niagra Workbench.
Can I use the CBMS Studio Engineering Tool with other Vendors?
Yes, as long as the other products support the Sedona Framework.